Current events
Colloquium on Jewish History in the summer semester 2025
Tuesday, 16:00 - 17:30, 08.024.2025 - 15.07.2025
Martin Buber Institute, 1st floor in room 1.05
The aim is to look at Jewish history from a transnational perspective - in other words, not just in the context of a particular country, in the sense of German-Jewish or French-Jewish history. The lectures will be developed around the presentation and interpretation of one (or more) primary source(s); the text of the primary source(s) will be made available to the seminar participants in advance in preparation for the joint discussion. Participation in the international conference on ‘Jewish History and History of Emotions’ at the Martin Buber Institute, 16-17 June, is encouraged.
29. April
Stefania Ragaù (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Between Nationalism and Humanism: Methodology and Analysis of Some Primary Sources for a Counter-History of Zionism
6. Mai
Jessica Marglin (University of Southern California)
Debating Jewish Nationhood in the 19th Century: The Case of Nissim Shamama (1805-73)
27. Mai
Annika Duin (Universität zu Köln)
Jüdische Geschichte und Emotionsgeschichte
24. Juni
Sasha Goldstein (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen)
Flora Sassoon (1859-1936) and the Role of Women in Transnational Jewish Philanthropic Networks
1. Juli
Julia Schneidawind (Ludwig-Maximilans-Universität München)
Gewalt gegen Frauen – Frauen gegen Gewalt: Jüdische Vorreiterinnen in der internationalen Frauenbewegung
8. Juli
Noëmie Duhaut (University of Southampton)
Legal actors and the making of Jewish internationalism
Research colloquium on Jewish history
as part of the advanced seminar "The Jewish Mediterranean"
Summer semester 2024
Wednesdays, 10-11.30 a.m.
Philosophikum, seminar room S57
May 8, 2024
Avner Ofrath (Freie Universität Berlin)
A Language of One's Own: Unearthing Judeo-Arabic political writing in the late
nineteenth-century Maghreb
May 15, 2024
Tamir Karkason (Martin Luther University Halle)
Being Turkinos in the 1950s: Turkish Diasporas between Israel and Turkey (a joint project with Aviad Moreno, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
May 29, 2024
Michal Ohana (Martin Luther University Halle)
Raphael Moshe Elbaz's Kise ha Melakhim: Merging Jewish, North African and
Universal History
June 5, 2024
Allyson Gonzalez (University of Potsdam)
Painting the 'New Woman': Maxa Nordau and the Art of the Intimate
June 26, 2024
Asya Dördü (University of Cologne)
History of Zionism and postcolonial studies: An attempt at a connection using the example of Max Bodenheimer
July 3, 2024
Susanne Härtel (Humboldt University Berlin)
The rabbinic authority of the Constantinopolitan Eliyahu Mizraḥi in its
Mediterranean constellations around 1500
July 10, 2024
Franziska Weinmann (LMU Munich)
Aspects of a Jewish Mediterranean history in the works of Nachum Slouschz
Toledot Yeshu study day on June 27th, 2023
On June 27, 2023, a study day on the Toledot Yeshu will take place at the Martin Buber Institute for Jewish Studies under the direction of PD Dr. Francesco Zanella. International researchers will address the topic from different perspectives in their contributions. Interested parties can still register for participation with Mr. Zanella:
Further information can be found in the flyer.
Dr. Carlo Gentile awarded the Federal Cross of Merit
On March 15th, 2022, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany Viktor Elbling presented historian Carlo Gentile, research associate at the Martin Buber Institute for Jewish Studies, with the Federal Cross of Merit on Ribbon awarded to him by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on December 2nd, 2021 for his "contribution to the German-Italian culture of remembrance".
In his speech, Ambassador Elbling emphasized his outstanding role in researching the Italian-German past. "You have advanced research without polemics, always concretely and soberly in search of the historical truth and its consequences for our coexistence in the present." The ambassador also stated: "We are shocked by the images of the attack on Ukraine, because we thought that the war in Europe was now just a distant memory, unthinkable in our time. And yet, Dr. Gentile, you know very well that historical events cannot be locked up in books, considering them closed, far from our lives and our reality. We must come to terms with them and pass on their significance to future generations. We must strive to understand the dynamics of the past in order to prevent its recurrence. Scholars like you help us in this important task: the defense of peace and democracy, of values built on the ruins of a disastrous war."